Thursday, August 2, 2012

Plasma Time!!

I must begin this entry by saying that Rexburg during the 7-week summer break is absolutely beautiful and incredibly peaceful.  I am so grateful for the short lines at the grocery store and being able to walk around campus.  Getting around on the streets, however, is not so easy.  Because the place is empty, this is the time the city takes to completely tear up roads and put them back in, draw new lines, etc.  Whole streets are shut down!  And it's multiple streets at once!  And it's not like this place is so big that there are so many options.  Oh well.  Small price to pay for short lines!

Now, on to the good stuff.  I have an announcement!  (No, I'm not pregnant. Why does everyone assume that when a married Mormon girl has an announcement, it's that she's going to have a baby?)  Anyway, the announcement is: I'm training for a triathlon!!!

The Olympic Triathlon is:
Run: 6.2mi (10k)
Bike: 24.8mi (20k)
Swim: 0.93mi (1.5km)

I hadn't really mentioned this to anyone in case I decided not to do it after a week or two.  But it's been two weeks now, and I feel really good about it.  I started riding my bike to and from school back in June (almost 4mi each way) everyday, and I love it!  (I was so scared at first, just ask my husband.  I looked ridiculous trying to get started on that dumb bike.) 

Also, I've seen a huge difference in my running.  A couple weeks ago, I could run for about 15 min before I needed to slow down and walk a little.  But yesterday, I ran for 40min!  And I felt like I could go longer, but my training plan only said 40min today.  The one I'm most worried about is swimming.  I took a swim class last winter semester, but I still struggle.  So, I start with a private swim teacher next week.  I'm pretty excited about it.

Unfortunately, the program is 4-months, so by the time I'm ready, it'll be December...which is the off-season.  So I'll just have to keep going.  I might be in California in January, so maybe I'll have to do it then.  And I'm planning to do a 10k run in September.

But with this means that I need to pay for swim lessons, new running shoes, and a road bike.  And you know what that means?  $$$$  Which's plasma time!


  1. I LOVE triathalons!!! Last year I did the Wildflower Triathalon (the national qualifier for iron man and Olympics) on my unicycle and made the news and became a weird mascot for the event. I've never felt better then that moment I ran across the finish line. I swear, once you finish one you'll be hooked!

  2. That finish line is TOTALLY my motivation! Thanks for the encouragement!
