Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Oh hello there, Twenty-Eight...

This morning, I kinda lost it.  I realized that I'll be 28 years old tomorrow.  This is officially "late 20s."  How did this even happen?  It just doesn't seem that long ago that as soon as it hit midnight, I went to the grocery store and bought cigarettes for the first time.  I didn't smoke.  And I didn't plan on smoking.  But I was old enough to buy the cigarettes.  So I did.  That was TEN years ago.  WHAT?!  My ten year high school reunion is in like, a month.  HOW?!  This is nuts.

Anyway, I am really sad to say goodbye to 27.  This was the best year of my life.  A few days before my birthday last year, I moved to Los Angeles...again.  This time I was older and, I like to think, wiser.  I had a plan, and I was ready to go for it.  I didn't know a ton of people, and most people have real jobs that keep them busy all day during the week, so for my birthday, on a Tuesday, I decided that if I was going to be alone on my birthday, I was going to do it at Disneyland.

Best. Decision. Ever.

I had a blast.  I felt independent, strong, and ready to take on the world.  One of my friends was driving back to LA from Vegas, so she stopped by Disneyland on her way around 7pm and spent the next few hours with me.  I don't know if she'll ever realize how much that meant to me.

I think that birthday was a little symbolic of the whole year.  Just kind of navigating my way through, doing what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it, and if something came up that changed my plans, I was open to it.  So ready to take on the world.  Oh...and Disneyland.  Lots and lots of Disneyland.

I met some great people.  Navigated my way through LA.  Filmed some cool stuff.  Found a great acting coach...and voice coach.  Travelled to some new places.  Got in the best shape of my life (and then went on vacation and added a little extra fluff).  Made some new goals and started really working toward them.  And realized that maybe I CAN do everything I want to do.

As I get older, I realize that there's so much more to do.  There's so much life ahead of me.  There's so much I don't know and haven't experienced.  It's pretty exciting.

So while I'm sad to leave 27 because it really was so good to me, I'm even more excited for 28.

Let's do this.

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