Sunday, July 27, 2014


I have been going back and forth in my head over whether or not to post this blog.  Timehop said that two years ago today, I started this blog.  And in about 40 posts, I've had over 5,700 views.  That's pretty cool.  (Thanks for reading!)  So I took that as a sign to post today.

Sometimes things happen in your life that make you think, Why?  Why did this happen?  How could this happen?  What did I do to deserve that?

And sometimes there is no answer.

Trust can be destroyed in an instant.  One person's actions can leave you confused, scared, and broken.  We are fragile humans, after all.

We break.  Sometimes we shatter, and sometimes we just get knicked a little bit.  And then we have to somehow figure out how all the pieces fit back together.  Sometimes it's really easy to figure it out, and sometimes it takes a long time.  We never looks the same as we did at the beginning.  You can see that we've been broken, especially when we've been broken over and over again.  But those breaks add character.  And if the glue is strong enough, we probably will not break in the same place again.  We'll break somewhere new.  The glue is what will make us stronger.

You can avoid breaking by staying up on the shelf and never letting anyone come close enough.  Or you can come down off the shelf, take some risks, and see what happens.  You will probably get dropped a few times, maybe even kicked or stepped on, but the glue is always there, ready to put you back together.

Risks are what makes life exciting.  Don't be afraid to trust, to leap, to love.  With high risk comes the potential for high return. 

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