This year, I decided not to make any resolutions. But it’s starting to look like I made them
without even knowing it…
I think it’s easy in life to make a bucket list of things
you want to do and then just push them off until later. Until I have enough money. Until I have the right job. Until I get married. Until I have more time.
But here’s what I realized:
If you keep living in the
future, you’re not living in the present.
What if “until…” never comes?
Then you’ll have a whole life of waiting around for whatever it is you
were waiting for, and you’ll have missed out on all the opportunities you had
to do the things you wanted to do.
I won’t do that anymore.
I had a conversation with a friend of mine recently that I haven’t seen
in years. He is a world traveler, and I’m
just amazed with his life and everything that he’s done and is currently
doing. He pointed out to me that so many
people say to him, “I wish I could travel….I wish I could do this or that…” And
he says, “Just do it!” Buy the plane
ticket, save a little, and just go!
So that’s what I’m doing.
When an opportunity presents itself, I’m going to take it. I’m going to do those things that I’ve always
wanted to do but was just waiting “until…”
I’m going to go places that I’ve always wanted to go but didn’t think I
could “until…”
So far this year (not even two weeks in), I’ve already done
a couple things:
1. Snowboarding (SERIOUSLY FUN)
2. Kickboxing (with a punching bag and gloves and everything…LOVED IT)
On the agenda for next month:
1. Spending a weekend with my Godfather (who I just adore and have never had
enough time with)
2. Visiting Wine Country (no wine tasting for me though)
3. SKYDIVING!!! (This is a lifelong goal…and
it’s just a little over a month away!)
Sometime this year:
1. A possible cruise (and wait! It’s a
2. To either Alaska, New Zealand, or Australia (all of which I’m dying to go to
so we’ll see how dates and prices work out)
3. Or possibly Disneyworld (because I have to be realistic, and I if I can’t
afford the above, I’m Florida-bound!)
4. Run a 10k
5. Buy a gun
And whatever else comes up, I’m just going to do it!
Life is here, guys. Now. Why wait?